A Review on Development of Constructivism Learning Model as Attributors of High-Level Thinking Skills on Accounting Skills
Nor Sa'adah Jamaluddin
Faculty of Management and Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris,35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak Affiliation

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The value of individual employability can be enhanced through the provision of quality aspects of Education. Therefore, the development of constructivism learning models is one of the main drivers to the attributes of students' high-level thinking skills. The focus of this study is to study and present ideas to improve students' high-level thinking skills through the building elements of the constructivism learning model in accounting skills. It is concluded that Constructivism Learning Model as Attributors of High-Level Thinking Skills on Accounting Skills. Previous researchers' findings were also included to support the arguments used in the study.


Constructivism Learning Model; high-level thinking skills; Accounting Skills


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